FB PageView [May 11th 2024]Expressing Love Across the Seas! CHU International Students Mail Mother's Day Cards with Well Wishes - Chung Hua University
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[May 11th 2024]Expressing Love Across the Seas! CHU International Students Mail Mother's Day Cards with Well Wishes


To celebrate Mother's Day, CHU's International College recently held an event, inviting international students from Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia to handwrite Mother's Day greeting cards. This allowed them to express the love they couldn't verbalize over the phone through written words and send the cards to their mothers, creating a heartwarming scene!

Photo 1:During the event, students experienced making carnations by hand while exchanging customs and traditions of celebrating holidays in their hometowns, creating a warm and lively atmosphere.

Amy Chuang, the head of the Student Affairs Division at the CHU’s International College, said that international students studying abroad cannot accompany their mothers during holidays. Therefore, the university organized this event, inviting students from different countries to write cards expressing their love for their mothers and reassuring their overseas families. Simultaneously, the event aimed to create a warm Mother's Day atmosphere, allowing every international student to feel the warmth of home and a mother's love. Notably, this year, the International College arranged a "photo wall" and "mailing cards" activity. Students' handwritten cards were displayed on the wall for everyone to share. Additionally, the students were arranged to visit the on-campus post office to mail their heartfelt, handwritten cards across the seas to their mothers, expressing what they couldn't say verbally.

Photo 2:International students affixed their cards to a glass wall, forming a colorful and vibrant photo wall that captivated passersby.

Ying-Yi Lee, an International student in the Culinary Arts program at the Overseas Youth Study and Counseling Technical Training Class, said that in the past, he would give his mother fresh flowers to celebrate Mother's Day in Malaysia. Although he cannot be with his mother this year, he was delighted that the school organized an activity allowing him to send his thoughts and wishes back home. Coincidentally, his mother's birthday falls on Mother's Day this year, so the card he sent home will offer double blessings. Natsuko Fukuda, a first-year student in the Applied Foreign Languages and Smart Business program, shared that this was her first time being away from her mother on Mother's Day, and although she felt a bit saddened, writing a card allowed her to express the love she couldn't verbalize, making it a special experience. With the recent frequent earthquakes in Taiwan, considering her parents' concerns about her living and academic situation, Natsuko would also frequently video call her family to reassure them.

Photo 3:A Vietnamese student, proficient in Chinese, attempted to write a heartfelt card in Chinese.

The event was filled with laughter and joy. Through organizing this activity, CHU taught students to cherish their families and maintain a grateful heart on the character education level. Moreover, the rare gathering of international students from various countries effectively promoted cultural exchange and unity on campus, adding extraordinary significance to the event!

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