FB PageView [Jan 2th 2024]Parking with AI is super convenient! CHU graduate student team develops "Compact All-in-One Parking System" and wins national industry-academia innovation competition - Chung Hua University
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[Jan 2th 2024]Parking with AI is super convenient! CHU graduate student team develops "Compact All-in-One Parking System" and wins national industry-academia innovation competition


CHU’s Department of Information Engineering has recently won several awards in competitions. A team formed by graduate students participated in the "National University Industry-Academia Innovation Competition". During the competition, a total of 181 teams entered the finals. Finally, CHU won first place in the Information and Electronics Group with their project "Design and Implementation of a Compact All-in-One Smart Parking System", which integrated AI technology into the parking system. Through a small device, they completed unmanned parking management, impressing the judges and achieving excellent results!

In order to stimulate students' creativity, thinking and practical abilities, National Changhua University of Education and Changhua County Industry-Academia Collaboration Association jointly held the "National University Industry-Academia Innovation Competition", attracting teams from universities and colleges across the country to sign up. Among them, five graduate students from CHU’s Department of Information Engineering – Shun-Sung Liu, Mei-Hui Cheng, Hui-Ju Lin, Kuan-Ting Liu and Chia-To Wang – formed a team under the guidance of Professor Chien-Hung Chen to compete in the Information and Electronics Group. With their project "Design and Implementation of a Compact All-in-One Smart Parking System", they won the championship! Shun-Sung Liu, the main developer of the system, said parking systems have existed for a long time, but he spent more than a year researching and developing a new generation of "seamless, unmanned, paperless" system to allow property owners to manage parking lots more efficiently. Parking lots no longer need to occupy large areas for fee collection booths and machines, nor require manual labor to operate. Instead, all the basic functions are condensed into a main board the size of a lunch box; in addition, the system incorporates cutting-edge AI technology to allow AI to process customer parking and payment situations in real time. Now, property owners only need a mobile phone to open and close parking gates, monitor parking lot status, and deal with malfunctions, which is very convenient for management!

Photo 1 : In the future, parking lot owners will only need one device in hand to open and close gates, monitor parking and charging status, etc., which is very convenient for management.

Photo 2 : Team members often discussed with their advisor, Professor Chien-Hung Chen (middle), after class during system development.

The team members also thanked the department professors who supported them along the way. During the system development, the professors were willing to spend time recording lessons to facilitate the team members' learning after the competition. Currently, one company is already cooperating with the team to operate the system, and there have been many inquiries about it. The team hopes to benefit more people by promoting smart parking lots and making life more convenient!

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