FB PageView [July 12th 2023]CHU has signed a partnership agreement with two Malaysian universities, offering generous scholarships to cover tuition and fees for deserving students - Chung Hua University
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[July 12th 2023]CHU has signed a partnership agreement with two Malaysian universities, offering generous scholarships to cover tuition and fees for deserving students


On the 10th of the previous month, CHU signed a strategic partnership agreement with Sibu Catholic High School and Wong Nai Siong High School in Malaysia. As part of this alliance, generous scholarships will be offered annually to outstanding students from these two Malaysian schools, ensuring that they can study in Taiwan without financial worries. This partnership aims to create a mutually beneficial and strategic alliance between both parties.

CHU's Vice President and Int’l Director, Hongnian, Jie, stated that the recent partnership agreement with the two Malaysian schools is based on the principles of mutual benefit and resource sharing. The collaboration aims to further promote exchanges, interactions, and cooperation between the institutions. Under this agreement, the university will provide four scholarships each year to outstanding students from the two Malaysian schools, covering the full tuition and fees for their first year of study. If these students maintain excellent academic performance, they will have the opportunity to continue applying for full scholarships, potentially covering their entire four-year university education expenses.

Principal Lu Youxiong of Wong Nai Siong High School expressed great happiness in signing the partnership agreement with CHU. He pointed out that the school has many economically disadvantaged students and is grateful for the generous scholarships offered by CHU. These scholarships provide an opportunity for students to come to Taiwan and transform their lives through education. He encouraged the students to seize this opportunity and pave their way to a bright future.

Photo1 / More than 80 faculty members and students from the two Malaysian schools participated in the visit and witnessed the simple yet significant signing ceremony of the partnership agreement.

After the simple yet significant signing ceremony, more than 80 faculty members and students from the two Malaysian schools were led by Vice Dean Chen Tian-You from the College of Architecture and Design, and Associate Professor Chen Yao-Ling from the Department of Hospitality Management, to visit the campus and participate in a baking hands-on workshop. Both faculty and students from the Malaysian schools expressed great anticipation for future interactions, exchanges, and collaborations with Chung Hua University.

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