FB PageView [March 1th 2023]A CHU’s Master degree student from Vietnam opens a campus cafeteria for fellow Vietnamese students ! CHU’s International students enjoy hometown flavors. - Chung Hua University
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[March 1th 2023]A CHU’s Master degree student from Vietnam opens a campus cafeteria for fellow Vietnamese students ! CHU’s International students enjoy hometown flavors.


CHU’s International Extension Division was established last year (2022), and nearly 150 Vietnamese students have come to CHU to learn Chinese, but eating has become a big problem. Many Vietnamese students feel that Taiwanese dishes are too greasy and cannot get used to them. After learning of the situation, Chen Hongshan, a first-year master's student from Vietnam in the Department of Industrial Management, actively lobbied the school to open a cafeteria in the training restaurant "Zhanyuan" to provide authentic Vietnamese dishes for all the Vietnamese students on campus. Therefore, Vietnamese students also get to enjoy hometown flavors in Taiwan.

Photo1/ Chen Hongshan stated that except Thursdays, the Vietnamese cafeteria opens throughout the rest of the week; and both lunch and dinner are provided with each meal costing 90 NT dollars only. All teachers and students are welcome to this Vietnamese Café at "Zhanyuan" to enjoy authentic Vietnamese dishes.

Photo2/ Chen Hongshan often chats with fellow Vietnamese students and cares about the lives and learning conditions of them.

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